   by Ellyn, LLC



    Helping you
   your world

        one breath
at time....

Ellyn is passionate about her life's work. She began her studies over 40 years ago in nursing at the University of Delaware, where she received her BSN and RN degrees. Ellyn later became certified in holistic nursing, mind/body medicine, massage, yoga, and meditation practice, with the desire to connect all facets of her life to support healing in others. 

Ellyn studied under the guidance of Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa with whom she traveled to India, gained an expansive view of healing through yoga therapy training at Kripalu, and took numerous courses directing her skills towards those with osteoporosis, spinal problems, pregnancy, chronic pain, and more. She is presently studying Ayurvedic Medicine, Numerology, and Pranayama (breath work).


Ellyn published the Colors of Birth, a tribute to pregnant women honoring the varied hues of their personal birthing experiences and helped designed the exclusive Angel of Pregnancy pin. She dedicated over 20 years supporting the health and wellness of pregnant women and their babies. 

Check our her pregnancy yoga video and baby makes 3 gift package (her book, angel pin, and video)!

What is your color?


In the past few years, Ellyn delved into crafting unique meditations for people, seeing them as a confluence of ideas from all of her studies and personal work. She feels hopeful that meditation will continue to become more mainstream with her participation in a meditation study at the University of Pennsylvania, which validated its positive effects on physicians as they prepared for surgery. Ellyn has had the benefit of sharing her teachings with people in all walks of life, finding the common connection and respect among all.

meditate with Ellyn 

Listen to Ellyn's "reinvention" interview

Ellyn's story....

Wellness Within by Ellyn, LLC | ellynh@rcn.com | © Copyright 2023 wellneswithinbe.com - All Rights Reserved